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Premium Plugin For Free - Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress Plugin Free Download

Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress.

Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress is the best social sharing plugin on the market, and the most complete and optimized social share buttons package. With a single plugin, the whole world of social media sharing is opened up to you: increase your shares, grow your profile, build your following, get new subscribers and drive more traffic.

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This extensive social sharing plugin for WordPress offers maximum flexibility and social media exposure by allowing you to share on more than 45 of the major social networks, including a wide range of optimized mobile messengers. Not only that, but Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress also boasts the best and most complete package of 52 beautiful templates for social sharing, and the most comprehensive set of 27+ design positions, 30+ eye catching animations and customizations. This social sharing plugin for WordPress is unique in covering every possible location for displaying your social share buttons.

Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress is real trendsetter in social media for WordPress trusted by more than 80.000 sites including leading technology brands. Will yours be next?

Social Sharing

The only social sharing plugin you will ever need, Easy Social Share Buttons is Integrated with over 40 of the most popular social networks, including - Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Digg, StumbleUpon, VKontakte, Tumblr, Reddit, Delicious, Buffer, Weibo, Xing, Pocket, Flattr,,,WhatsApp, Meneame, Love You button, Print, E-mail, Blogger, Amazon, Yahoo Mail, Gmail, AOL, Newsvine, HackerNews, Evernote,, MySpace, Viadeo, Line, Flipboard, Comments, Yummly, SMS, Viber, Telegram, Skype, Facebook Messenger, LiveJournal, Kakao Story, Yammer, Hatena, Renren, Douban, Naver, QQ
Also includes Love This, More button, Share button, Comments and Print/E-mail buttons.
Powerful Subscribe to mail list button with direct integration with Mailchimp, GetReposne, myMail, MailPoet, MailerLite, CampaignMonitor, ActiveCampaign, SendinBlue, Jetpack Subscriptions or custom form (from shortcode or service)
Functional Buttons Set – Previous Post, Next Post, Copy Post Link, Bookmark Post, QR Code for post link
Native Social Like, Follow and Subscribe buttons

Our complete package of social share buttons for WordPress includes 12 native social buttons that will be instantly familiar to your users and will help improve your profile and reach across social networks – Facebook Like, Facebook Follow, Google +1, Google Follow, Like, Twitter Follow and Tweet, YouTube Subscribe, Pinterest Follow and Pin,, LinkedIn Company Follow with option to apply eye catching skin or use them in privacy mode
Followers Counter

• Display your Followers Counter (including posts, users and comments counters) for 31 social networks, including - Facebook (Page or Profile), Twitter, Google+, YouTube (Channel or User), Vimeo (Channel or User), Dribbble, Github, Envato, SoundCloud, Behance, Delicious, Instagram, Pinterest,, RSS Feed, MailChimp subscribers, LinkedIn Company Followers, Tumblr, Steam, Flickr, GitHub, Foursquare, Forrst, Vine, SlideShare, 500px, Posts count, Users count, Comments count, Total Site Loves , Twitch, Spotify, myMail, MailPoet
Social Metrics Lite

Our advanced social sharing plugin for WordPress is integrated with Social Metrics Lite, so that you can track and monitor your social media activity across Our advanced social sharing plugin for WordPress is integrated with Social Metrics Lite, so that you can track and monitor your social media activity across 6 major social networks.
Social Profiles

As the best social sharing plugin out there, Easy Social Share Buttons allows you to build and connect to your profile on 30 of the most popular social networks
Easy Optin (Subscribe Forms)

The all-in-one social sharing plugin can automatically increase your mailing list subscribers for MailChimp, GetResponse, myMail, MailPoet, MailerLite, ActiveCampaign, CampaignMonitor and Jetpack Subscriptions
Please note that share counters are not officially available for the following networks, because of missing APIs: Weibo, Tumblr, Digg, Flattr, WhatsApp, Meneame, Blogger, Amazon, Yahoo Mail, Gmail, AOL, Newsvine, HackerNews, Evernote,, MySpace, Viadeo, Line, Flipboard, SMS, Viber, Telegram, Skype, Facebook Messenger, LiveJournal, Kakao Story. The Easy Social Share Buttons plugin provides an option to track them internally.

Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress is the best social sharing plugin – whatever your needs – because it is fully integrated across all of the popular social networks, and packed with every feature you could possibly want! is the best social sharing plugin – whatever your needs – because it is fully integrated across all of the popular social networks, and packed with every feature you could possibly want!


Choose from over 45 social networks to display on your site, customize the buttons, and decide how you want to arrange them. Simply drag and drop the icons, and replace default text with your own calls to action. You can also choose the automatic order by shares display that will simply display most used buttons in the beginning of list (yes we will do it automatically and you do not need to care for it). You can also set certain buttons to be active for mobile devices only. Try our different share button styles and functions for yourself:
Preview the buttons for every social network
Preview different styles that you can use with share buttons on site

A great way to allow readers show their appreciation (love) for your content. This button uses internal counter for each post or page. You can use it as standalone button or in combination with other share buttons. You can also display list of most loved posts using widget, shortcode or Visual Composer element anywhere on your site.
Take a look of love this button

With more or share button you can make unique visual look by changing way your social share buttons appear. Now you have option to show your most important buttons in front and also with a click expand all others that you wish to use. This can create a design that can fit in any case, width or template (for example Mashable style). The limit here is only your imagination. To be easy for you we have ready made styles with popular usage cases of those buttons that you can apply with single click on selected location (after that you can easy modify them). Buttons support up to 7 different icons (2 for more button and 7 for share button), 5 different functions: show all networks after more (Mashable style), open all active networks in popup, open all social networks as popup or inline pop up with names or icons, display of text (share button only) or total share counter (share button only) and two visual styles: classic and modern. Take a quick look what you can do with them:
More information for difference between more and share button
More button demo – the ultimate Mashable style share buttons
Share button demo – hide share buttons and display them on click
Share button demo – example how you can use it with total counter
Share button demo – replace your more button with share button that contains total counter
NEW! Inline pop up with icons for more networks function
NEW! Inline pop up with names for more networks function
NEW! Modern style of more buttons pop up

Powerful subscribe Button

The best social sharing plugin for WordPress offers you unique real working subscribe to mailing list button. You can use it with 3 different modes: link to subscribe page, custom subscribe from with html code or shortcode from your favorite plugin, beautiful service integrated form using Easy Optin module with support for MailChimp, GetResponse, MyMail, MailPoet, MailerLite, Active Campaign, CampaignMonitor and Jetpack Subscriptions. The best is that you can use the subscribe button on any device and with any of Easy Social Share Buttons display positions.

Build in integrated forms has 7 beautiful designs that you can easy customize in terms of colors, images or texts with build in visual options. That is truly unique feature of social sharing plugin that you will help you build your subscribers list.

Try out the different modes of subscribe for for yourself:
Lear more for subscribe button
Take a look of beautiful designs that comes with each installation of Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress
Do you like how it looks? You can also use it anywhere on your site even without share buttons with the help of shortcode or widget. Read more for this below in description.
After share actions

After share actions are an important way of engaging active users with your site and content, increasing your social following, populating your mailing list, or running your own code. This is the most effective way to do this – users that you will reach using this method are most socially engaged on your site and you can get extremely high conversion rate.

27+ Built-in Display Methods

  • With 27+ predefined display options, you have the freedom to decide how you want your buttons to appear on the page:
  • Above your content
  • Below your content
  • Above and below content
  • Float from the top of your content
  • Float from the top and bottom of a post
  • Vertical float
  • Native buttons at the top, share buttons at the bottom
  • Share buttons at the top, native buttons at the bottom
  • Pop up
  • Fly in Right
  • Fly in Left
  • Left Sidebar
  • Right Sidebar
  • Top bar
  • Bottom bar
  • On Media
  • Full screen hero share
  • Post Share Bar
  • Share Point
  • Share Point Advanced
  • NEW! Super post bar
  • NEW! Super float
  • NEW! Viral Point
  • NEW! WooCommerce share bar

Shortcodes & Powerful Shortcode Generator

Your comprehensive social sharing plugin for WordPress also includes 10 powerful shortcodes that you can use to display buttons in any position, or embed them into the theme code. (Check the plugin settings for a shortcode generator, and some examples of integrating codes into your theme.)

  • [ easy-social-share ] – generate share buttons
  • [ easy-social-share-popup ] – generate social share buttons as pop up
  • [ easy-social-share-flyin ] – generate social share button as fly in
  • [ easy-social-like ] – display native buttons
  • [ easy-total-shares ] – display total share counter for post or page
  • [ easy-profiles ] – display social profile links
  • [ easy-followers ] – display social followers
  • [ easy-total-followers ] – display total number of followers
  • [ easy-popular-posts ] – display list of popular posts by shares, loves or views
  • [ easy-subscribe ] – display subscribe forms from Easy Optin Module (including two step optin forms)

For convenience and flexibility, Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress can also be used with shortcode call. This makes it easier than ever to include the buttons you need, wherever you want them on your theme or page. You can combine this with other display methods for an even better, and more unique, user experience. For example, you could display a pop-up after a few seconds of page load, combined with default share buttons display.
Pop-Up & Fly-In Automatic Display Triggers

With Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress you can create a unique experience for every user, based on their interactions on your page. This will help you to capture or keep their attention at the most crucial moment.

  • Timed Delay – Set a timed delay for your pop-ups and fly-ins so that they display after your readers have been on a page for a specific duration of time. Try it now
  • Bottom of Post – Auto detect when your readers reach the bottom of a post or page and give them a friendly reminder to share. See it live
  • After Commenting – After a visitor leaves a comment on a post or page, you can interact with this highly engaged user through a social pop-up or fly-in.
  • Upon % Scroll – Display a social pop-up or fly-in to your visitors after they have scrolled a certain percentage down the page. Try it now
  • After WooCommerce Purchase - Display a sharing pop-up or fly-in to your customers after they checkout so they can share your online storefront with friends and family.
  • Exit intent – Display a friendly share reminder to users when they try to exit a page. See how it looks.

We hope you liked this article.

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